Of inspired artists...
Edith Dekyndt (http://www.edithdekyndt.be)
In May 2011, Edith Dekyndt came from Belgium. Edith is a visual artist who exhibits in many countries (Belgium, France, England, Slovenia, Switzerland, USA ...). According to Rodney LaTourelle (BORDER CROSSING, Volume 19, number 2, Issue No. 74, Winnipeg, Canada 2000), "Edith’ search for unions, contradictions and collisions between "visible "and "invisible " is revealed through her work with the ephemeral gestures, unstable materials and aesthetics of the banal. "
Her desire to see Planeterrella is in the course of her artistic research. In return, she testified :
"I came back last night in Belgium with all these wonders in mind (...) it may take some time before things appear, but the idea of going to Lapland makes me dream. (...) In the tram, we all thought how this trip around the planets and the simple and clear explanations (...), the energy that animates all that, gave us a new interpretation of our world."
Emmanuel Regent (http://www.emmanuelregent.fr)
Emmanuel Nice Regent is a visual artist, exhibited in France, New Caledonia, Mauritania ... , 2009 winner of the price "Discovery of the Friends of the Palais de Tokyo".
"I try to build loopholes, organize leaks, open out the white paper or widen access to color by sanding the paint. My work is part of the slowness, of the lack : I build spaces for assumptions, ramblings and geographic and temporal aberrations. I put in place the principles of appearances unstable to invite the viewer to fill absences. Through different processes and with simple materials, I question the invisible communication systems brought by new technologies, the circulation of images and erasing their physical media. "
His desire to understand the aurora is embodied in the "Night Castle" in 2012. Thanks to the dynamism of Helène Lallier, Jean-Michel Groléas or Jean Roche, Emmanuel has exhibited at Château des Adhemar. On the evening of June 1st for the "night of castles", the Planeterrella was installed in a crypt in the middle of his works, for an exploding meeting (a film of this experience is shown in http://librespace.com/Divaguer- out-of-the-bed-in). The artists of the company Ithéré (www.compagnie-ithere.com), the guitarist Rémi Resse and the storyteller Jennifer Anderson, attended the event with their sensitive approach.

The meeting with Emmanuel Regent, a small booklet was published :