The Bourges Planeterrella in Region Centre in France
The University Center for Technology (IUT) in Bourges (France, is the technology component attached to the University of Orleans. It was created in 1968 . In the Physics Measurements department, Stéphane Pellerin, a researcher at the GREMI Laboratory (, quickly imagined the benefits he could get from a Planeterrella, both in terms of public communication and from the pedagogical point of view . I think with his strength , he broke all records to find funding and to build one. He sent a request for contract December 5, 2012 , and its first demo was shown to the public for the Science Festival in October 2013 ! I must say that he has been developing for long an important activity of communication to the general public, and that this has created excellent relationships with the Centre for Scientific, Technical and Industrial Communication (CCSTI , www.centre- ) in his region . A true collaboration was created and the result has been worth it !
The CCSTI journal made the cover of its fall issue on the Planeterrella :

with an article in French available here :
In the following figure , we distinguish this series of rings that resemble a stellar jet , quite difficult to obtain.

There is little doubt that the initiators of the Bourges Planeterrella are great experimenters !
On the two pictures below is the group that carried the Bourges Planeterrella project.

From left to right :
– Gilles CHARLES, Technicien en Physique, Université d’Orléans - Collégium Sciences et Techniques à Bourges / Laboratoire GREMI
– François FAUBERT, Maitre de Conférences en Physique, Université d’Orléans - Chef du Département Mesures Physiques de l’IUT de Bourges / Laboratoire GREMI
– Stéphane PELLERIN, Professeur en Physique, Université d’Orléans - Département Mesures Physiques de l’IUT de Bourges / Laboratoire GREMI
– Nadia PELLERIN, Maitre de Conférences en Physique - Université d’Orléans, Directrice de l’Antenne de Bourges du Collégium Sciences et Techniques / Laboratoire CEMHTI
Updated on 6 décembre 2013