University grades
Since its creation in 2007, the Planeterrella has been the subject of academic research. Denni Fabien in master second year, has chosen to explain the physics. We quickly encountered the difficulty of measurement : the experiment was not designed for this purpose. This has led us to several changes on Planeterrella II.
Arthur and Margaret Oliver Thouven, in Licence (third year) at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, became interested in many aspects of Planeterrella : operating conditions (Pashen law ...), characteristics of plasma and in particular the kinetics, and the interpretation of the spectra. They also tried to build their own Terrella.

Mathieu Barthélémy, who is from the beginning in this group behind the Planeterrella, advises each year since three years students at Master 1 level, who gradually complete the modeling of the physics of particle transport in the experiment. In 2013, Anne Vialatte under his leadership, has provided a very interesting work that is beginning to bear fruit. She agreed to make available on this site.
Updated on 6 décembre 2013